Instructions for living a life: Pay attention. Be astonished. Tell about it.

Mary Oliver

Monday, October 22, 2007

Somewhere on a Monday

I am currently proofreading a grant application that another district technology person has been working on for the past few days. I am researching various things to tweak or add depth to the application. One question that I have been pursuing is:
What is the purpose of education? What is our priority for students? Here are some of the possibilities I have found:
1. to mold and develop our young children into positive, caring and intelligent individuals.
(Educational Priority: Character Education Jack Bowen, Guest Author Character Education Partnership Advisory Board June 2001)
2. to prepare students for success in the job market
3. to widen students' horizons and help them develop a love of learning
4. to educate students to be responsible citizens
(The purposes of education, http://www.

Each one of these goals shapes the discussion differently and calls for different pedagogical approaches, different curriculum, different assessment tools. What do you think? What is the best research on the subject and how does it all fit in with our stated national educational goals

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