Instructions for living a life: Pay attention. Be astonished. Tell about it.

Mary Oliver

Thursday, January 15, 2009

My job in on the line, but its redemption is online!

A strange title for my first blog in 5 months, but there it is. I have just spent way too much time writing on this little laptop of mine (on loan from the district, but just try to get it back!!!) but it's sort of like eating potato's really hard to stop once you get started!
My job as a tech trainer is on the line, because of, what else? , shortage of funds! Therefore, we have just written a grant proposal to maintain it for next year to accomplish some magnificent goals! So, my job redemption is online, in that the grant was successfully uploaded to the state department with 8 minutes and 52 seconds to spare!
4500+ words just made their way through cyberspace to a server in St. Paul, but the end result (yes--job, no--go back to bidding) is still in the hands of humans. Machines are faster; humans, I hope, have lots of empathy (and enough money to go around).
I think I can stop writing now, and go home and put my feet up (under a blanket, because it's still below zero!) I just realized that I include a lot of thoughts inside parentheses. (I wonder why?)


Sara Etzel said...

Jean...I've been having thoughts of "pink slips" myself. I'm an untenured teacher in MPS who works at a fresh started school. Love my my my students...hate the MPS deficit.

Positive thoughts your way.....hope the State approves your proposal.

Media Queen said...

Hi Jeannie,
You are the best information woman I know! Sure hope your proposal is approved. I will be thinking about you while you take the "plunge" this coming Sat. I would love for you to show me how to add pics, websites, etc. to my blog. I also need to finish TILT. I must say this is the most stressful year I've ever had in Mpls! Blessings on your week. Coreen from the Northside.

Lynette said...

Some 20+ years ago I was new to MPLS and met you on the elevator in 807 heading up to the first Media meeting that would kick off the school year. You made such a positive impact then and of course you still do! I didn't stop to think that your job could be one that does a yearly vanishing act. Best of luck. Tell me who to call.... Come work with me!

Exploradora said...

Your situation evoks sympathy in those of us who have "paid dues" over time and waited for opportunities to arise fairly in the District. I have a hard time with the new "fresh" equivalent of opportunism like union "scabs" and hope that will not be part of the scenario in your job change.