Instructions for living a life: Pay attention. Be astonished. Tell about it.

Mary Oliver

Wednesday, May 3, 2023

Truth isn't Truth Anymore

The sky is blue,
The grass is green...

Or maybe not?

There doesn't seem to be much that we can agree on in the year of our Lord, 2023.  Things that seem clear and self-evident to one side of the political spectrum are rejected as fake and unsubstantiated by the other.
Is there still such a thing as verifiable truth and if so, where can we find it and how can we communicate it to others in a way that is understood and accepted?

That's the challenge I'm giving myself (Information Woman to the Rescue!) this month.  I want to explore the big ideas of truth and lies and how we can tell them apart and why it's really important that we figure this out.

This might involve exploring ideas of logical fallacies, confirmation bias, truth vs belief, facts, fiction, lies, exaggeration, bias, slant, persuasion, perception, propaganda, tribalism, authoritarianism, political movements and trends.  Some questions that I might explore could include:
Is everyone really entitled to their own opinions?
If everyone lies, is the speaking the truth worth the trouble?
Why do some lies persist despite ample proof that they are false?
Can people's minds actually be changed by being presented with verifiable truth?

And...What have I gotten myself into???

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