Instructions for living a life: Pay attention. Be astonished. Tell about it.

Mary Oliver

Saturday, March 28, 2020

Day 18–filling the days with activities important and mundane. After selling books online since 2006 through my little bookstore, Ginger Tea Books, I decided a few months ago it was time to close up shop. I gave away a lot at my birthday party, took bags and bags to Half Price Books and some to a thrift store but still have a book cart full ( librarian envy alert...). Yes I have my very own library cart, acquired when White Bear Lake Library was being renovated. So, these fabulous, but not on my reading list books, will have to sit in limbo ‘til summer. It did free up some bookshelf space however to shift my poetry collection. In doing so I realized I have over 100 poetry books collected as a teacher and bookseller and aspiring poet. I’m going to crack one open each day that the world is under quarantine and share a random (or maybe curated) poem on my page and on my blog. Hope you enjoy them.

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