Instructions for living a life: Pay attention. Be astonished. Tell about it.

Mary Oliver

Tuesday, May 5, 2020

Poem 49 (Pandemic Day 56--8 weeks and many more to come)

A Good Catch

Although he is still wearing his college ring,
And driving a white Imperial.
And taking girls to supper clubs where the entire meal
     is served flambĂ©
Because he still thinks the more flames the better,
Freddie the bachelor
Is what is known in New Jersey as
A good catch.

He has waves in his hair,
Caps on his teeth,
A manicure on his nails,
And what is known in New Jersey as
A nice physique. Also
A clean bill of health,
A great sense of humor,
And a steady job,
With what is known in New Jersey as
Room for advancement.  Also
Serious interests
Such as reading and Broadway plays
That are not even musicals.

Although he still remembers the fraternity handshake,
And the football cheers,
And is still singing in girls' ears while dancing
Because someone once told him that singing in ears
     is sexy,
Freddie the bachelor
Is what is known in New Jersey as
A good catch.

He has cashmere sweaters,
A Danish-modern apartment,
A retirement plan 
And what is known in New Jersey as
Sound investments.  Also
A way with children
Consideration for others,
And what is known in New Jersey as
A good head on his shoulders.  Also
Important contacts
Such as a nephew of the Congressman
From Flushing.

And whenever my husband is showing
What is known in New Jersey as no respect
For my mother,
She tells about Freddie the bachelor,
Who never talks back and is such 
A good catch.

Judith Viorst, It's Hard to Be Hip Over Thirty and Other Tragedies of Married Life,Signet Books, 1968

When are we grown-up?  Is there an age when magically we are adults?  As Judith Viorst let's us know in this poem, she is a married woman, but she still has the tugs and pulls of trying to please her mother, or be subjected to her mother's opinions about her life.  Freddy, the bachelor may have his own apartment, "sound investments" and a retirement plan, but he also still wears his college ring and remembers his football cheers.  

The demarcation line is unclear and wavering.  When you are 30 you may feel grown-up, you may want to be grown-up, but there are so many appealing things about may keep up your sexy whispering in girls' ears long after you have a ghost of youth about you.  Life's transitions can so often be unsettling--we are always adjusting.  As they say, there is no dress rehearsal for life.  You're on the stage and maybe you'll flub your lines or miss your cues, but the show must go on! 
The Atlantic published a very interesting article about becoming an adult

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