On November 5, 2025, I spent the whole day from 6:00 AM to 9:30 PM at a polling place, working as assistant head election judge. It was my way of being involved without biting my nails to the quick watching election results. I went to bed ignorant of what was going on in the country, for one night being an ostrich with my head in the sand, for one night being able to sleep innocently. Then I woke up to the new but unwanted reality of an America undone by itself.
One of my literate librarian friends gave us the word of the day: Kakistocracy: a government run by the worst, least qualified, or most unscrupulous citizens. Indeed.
Americans had the opportunity to see and hear who the candidates were and what they offered, and they chose a corrupt narcissistic felon instead of a joyful, competent and patriotic woman.
It has often been said in America when something bad has happened—“we are better than this” or “this is not who we are.” Today we have to reckon with the opposite—at this moment, that is exactly who we are, a people open to the end of democracy and welcoming the embrace of autocracy run by liars.
Millions are celebrating, but millions are mourning, with a grief that has not been collectively felt before, coming as it has from our own families and neighbors rather than a foreign enemy or a force of nature. This will be a grief not easily assuaged.
We will each have to find a way to cope and if we choose and are able to resist, to join with others, to overcome and perhaps to prevail for the good of the world.
What will I choose? I am an old woman without power or great influence; anything I’ve done thus far has been ineffectual, trampled under the feet of the crowd. But, for my own redemption and peace of mind and heart, I am going to write. I plan to put at least one positive action on this blog each day. Come along with me—a journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step.
Day 74 BTA (before the apocalypse)
Step 1: Acknowledge the experiences of your mind and body and vow to honor and protect your physical self.
This really is the first step when we are dealing with a flood of emotions about things out of our control. We may skip meals or overeat, not be able to sleep or not want to get out of bed. You know your own experience. I’m in my head a lot…creating arguments, envisioning disastrous outcomes, losing joy in the good things around me. So today I am going to stop and take a deep breath each time that negativity comes over me. I’m going to carry my water bottle with me and remember that we are all connected with the water of life that has been cycling through the life of this planet for millennia. We are part of something bigger—
I hope to see you tomorrow.
Today's recommended reading:
The Anatomy of Peace/How to Live With My Body by John Roedel
my brain and heart divorced
a decade ago
over who was to blame about how big of a mess I have become
eventually, they couldn't be in the same room with each other
now my head and heart share custody of me
I stay with my brain during the week
and my heart gets me on weekends... (click above for complete poem--John gives us much wisdom to consider)
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